Thursday, May 17, 2007

A sudden swelling of pride

Before this semester began I established a list of goals, 5 in total. High on the list was getting over a 3.0 GPA while passing all 6 of my classes. I am proud to announce that this goal was completed! Here are the results:

Environment & Development in Latin America B+
The Spanish Civil War C+
Value, Mind and God B
Latin American Testimony B+
Advanced Spanish Composition Workshop B+

I also met a couple of my other goals, including cooking for myself 4 times a week (I usually did this more than that), playing guitar at least once a week, and some other lovely stuff. I look forward to completing this summer's goals, which include:

-Get a job and earn $3,200.
-Get a driver's license (finally!).
-Create and follow a summer exercise regimen.
-Continue cooking for one's self.
-Continue playing guitar at least once a week.
-Continue writing in my books, as well as writing my books.

To a productive summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Dougie!! Aj very proud of you!! lol since you can cook now maybe you make me somethin'. I miss you and hope youre doing well. Call me when you get back to Sac.