Saturday, March 10, 2007

Rap Music is OK By Me

To anyone who thinks Rap or Hip Hop isn't music:

Go try to sing the lyrics to "Bombs Over Baghdad" by Outkast along with the song. You will quickly realize not only how much talent these guys have, but also how incredibly cool this all is. If you are white, you will probably also realize how funny white people rapping is. I know I did.

If you ever bother to look up the lyrics to some of these songs, they are actually pretty intelligent, not only to fit words into a rhythm like that, but also what they are talking about, it's a complete chnge in perspective for a middle-class white boy like me. And no, it's not "alcohol and bitches" least not all of it. Just because Toby Keith is an ignorant asshole and Slayer sings about Genocide, doesn't mean all music in this genre is crap, does it?

In short, stop being so judgmental, stop being afraid to look at the world from a different point of view, stop living by generalizations and stereotypes and start examining the world for what it is. You'll come away a better person.

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